Cranial Nerve #8: Vestibulocochlear

The eighth cranial nerve is the vestibulocochlear nerve.  This nerve  has several other names such as the auditory nerve, acoustic nerve, or the auditory-vestibular nerve.  The vestibulocochlear nerves runs laterally on both sides of the facial nerves.  The vestibulocochlear nerve is primarily a sensory nerve responsible for the sense of hearing and the sensation of equilibrium.  This nerve innervates the cochlea of the ear for hearing through the cochlear branch.  The vestibulcochlear nerve also innervates the vestibular branch found in the inner ear, which is responsible for balance.  Through our vestibulcochlear nerves we are able to sense sounds, gravity, and body rotation.  When this nerve has been damaged  a person may experience a false sense of movement, vertigo, or even hearing loss.